Our History

NICC began in Spring, 2022, when a handful of NJIT students began to notice the absence of student organizations for cybersecurity on campus. Founding Members Alfred and Jordani wanted to be a part of an ACM SIG that ented all too soon. This inspired a conversation which created an initial group of 9 members deciding to found their own student organization that would be determined to last. Over the summer months, these students worked to develop what would become the NJIT Information & Cybersecurity Club - NICC!

At NJIT it can take a very, very long time to become a recognized student organization, but NICC was determined to make an impact on campus and solidify their relationship to the university.

Their initial exposure to the student body was when they brute-forced their way into the Student Involvement Fair. Within days of the semester - before they were even a real club - NICC had over 100 signatures of interested students vying to be a part of NICC. They just needed to turn them into official members. NICC was recognized within the first few weeks following this event.

While many student organizations see an initial rush and teeter out by the end of the semester, NICC continued to exceed expectations and grow with every meeting. By the end of the first semester, NICC had 80 official members. Their first semester introduced their first attempt at their own CTF, SpookyCTF - hastily constructed on their site and accepting answers via Google Forms. This was not a great method - but it got people going.

Lightning struck twice when, in their second semester, the club swelled again and continued to gain traction on campus. They became involved in planning and creating the challenges for JerseyCTF - NJIT's official CTF that was started by the very same ACM SIG leaders that inspired the founders to begin NICC. At the same time, NICC created and hosted their first official CTF: SpringForwardCTF 2023 - an event that took place over daylight savings time and preceded JerseyCTF by one month.

Following SpringForwardCTF and JerseyCTF, NICC continued to find ways to work with the University. They did not have a club room, and as of 2024, still do not (despite being one of the fastest growing organizations on campus). Yet, they partnered with teachers and departments to assist in everything Cyber. They finished their first year with just under 150 members and taking home the 'New Student Organization of the Year' award.

As of 2024, the organization boasts over 350 members consisting of current undergraduate and graduate students. Official membership of this chapter is reserved for NJIT students only, however, NICC has also begun helping students grow at other universities.

Founding Executive Board Members

NICC Senior Hackers

NICC Alumni